The bipolar world, which was divided into two sides: the United States (capitalist) and the Soviet Union (socialist), the two greatest world powers, no longer exists.
With the decline of socialism and, automatically, of the Soviet Union, there was a transformation in the panorama of world order, and this began to be established.
With the withdrawal of the Soviet Union from the world stage, in relation to its political influence, the leaders of the United States began a series of decisions according only to its interests, since it was the greatest power in the world and there was no country to go against its offensive.
From this global leadership, the United States began to intervene in various diplomatic and military matters in the world, a clear example of these initiatives was when it took sides in the invasion of Iraq to Kuwait that caused the War of Gulf.
This attitude on the part of the US government was not limited only to intermediated discussions and negotiations by the United Nations Security Council, on the contrary, was an arbitrary offensive and imposed by the States United. In a way, it was a way for the country to establish itself as a power and world leader, at a global level.
In addition to this fact, the United States intervened in several other places in the world, as a kind of world appeaser that has earned him many enemies, especially Muslims, regardless of nationality.
This became explicit when, on September 11, 2001, the country was the victim of a terrorist attack, when two planes were led to crash into one of the largest North American symbols, the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, as well as the Pentagon (Administrative Center of the American Armed Forces) in Washington.

The attack in question directly hit American pride, as they did not imagine that there could be someone who would have the audacity to turn against the greatest world power. At the same time, this served for the country to effectively position itself as a world leader, thus initiating a major program of “eradication of terrorism”, which automatically demanded worldwide support from other nations, so that they could develop actions against this type of "threat".

The search for those responsible for the attack began soon, the "scapegoat" was Afghanistan, a country accused of accommodating al Qaeda and its leader, Osama bin Laden, responsible for the September 11 attack.
In a short time the government of Afghanistan was deposed, more precisely in November 2001, thus the States The United States had already invaded the country with the support of the United Kingdom, although it was not successful in the search for Osama bin Laden

The following year, the US government accused countries like Iraq, Iran and North Korea, called the “axis of evil”, to produce weapons of mass destruction, in addition to supporting the formation of terrorist groups in their respective territories.
Faced with this argument, the US leaders requested from the UN an authorization to remove the dictator Saddam Hussein from power. To develop this process, the United States did not count on the support of countries like France, Germany and the Russian Federation, as they opposed the invasion. Despite this, in March 2003, Iraq was invaded and its leader, Saddam Hussein, was removed from power.
Recently, the US government has turned against the countries of the “axis of evil”, such as North Korea and Iran, with the justification that they would be involved in nuclear research.
By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Source: Brazil School -