What happens when you eat too much tomato?

Tomatoes are one of the tastiest and most versatile foods in the world, being present in several cuisines, being used in juices, salads, seasonings and even in jellies. In addition, they are very nutritious, full of medicinal properties and very easy to grow. But what happens when you eat a lot of tomatoes?

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Why can excessive consumption of tomatoes be dangerous?

Being a little acidic, tomatoes can end up bringing some complications, especially for those who have an empty stomach. Still, these effects appear when the fruit is consumed in excessive amounts. So, if you use it moderately, you don't need to be so worried.

  • Kidney stone

As tomatoes have a lot of calcium and oxalate, excessive consumption of this food can lead to the accumulation of these nutrients in the body.

When this happens, it is very difficult to remove them from our bodies, leading to the development of kidney stones. Because of this, it is always important to keep the body hydrated.

  • Diarrhea

In general, cases of people with stomach pain and diarrhea due to tomatoes is even common. That's because the fruit has a high acidity and fat content, and can mess with the sensitivity of the organism of intolerant people. In addition, there are cases of Salmonella acquired through these foods.

  • Swelling

Consuming too many tomatoes can cause your body to retain more fluid. Therefore, if you feel bloated after consuming them, you can be sure that it was the fault of your skin and seeds, responsible for causing an accumulation of nutrients in your body. Therefore, it is important to avoid eating them in large quantities.

  • Reflux

Due to its acidic nature, you can be sure that it is one of the main causes of heartburn. Rich in malic and citric acid, it can cause a lot of acid reflux in the stomach of sensitive people, especially if consumed in excess. Basically, this process occurs through a release of extra gastric acid into the stomach as digestion of food begins.

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