The relationship between Speech Therapy and Hippotherapy

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Riding therapy is defined as a therapeutic and educational method that uses the horse within an interdisciplinary approach, in the areas of Health, Education and Horseback Riding, seeking the biopsychosocial development of people with disabilities and/or special needs (ANDE, 1999). When associated with speech therapy, it allows the patient to achieve certain therapeutic goals with greater ease.
Speech therapy has a close relationship with hippotherapy, because both work together with common pathologies, in cases related to patients with the following indications:
• cerebral palsy
• Brain stroke;
• Delay in neuropsychomotor development;
• Down's syndrome;
• Difficulty in learning or language;
• Multiple sclerosis;
• Dysfunction in social integration;
• Head trauma, among others.
It is extremely important to emphasize that in certain cases this practice is contraindicated, for example, patients with Down syndrome under three years of age, severe osteoporosis, osteogenesis imperfecta, bone tumor, open wounds on a supporting surface (ischium, medial thigh, knees, etc.), active mental health disorders that can be dangerous, etc.

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In addition to the speech therapist, the hippotherapy team is composed of several professionals such as:
• Physiotherapist
• Psychologist
• Doctor
• Pedagogue
• Psychopedagogue
• Physical education teacher
• Riding Instructor
• Assistant guide
• Handler
The production of speech, which leads to language, requires adequate postural tone, normal patterns of movement, rhythm, correct head and body positioning, breathing control, coordination phono-respiratory.
The speech therapist, together with the hippotherapy team and based on their knowledge, aims to adapt the exercises in their area for the session of Hippotherapy, according to the needs of each patient, taking advantage of the stimulation of the environment and the horse, providing a playful and pleasurable.
When the exercises are applied, it is important to use music therapy and onomatopoeias, for it is a strategy that provides speech stimulation, language and enrichment of the vocabulary.
By Elen C. Whitewashed Fields
Graduated in Speech Therapy and Pedagogy
Brazil School Team

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Speech Therapy - Brazil School

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CAIADO, Elen Cristine Maia Campos. "The relationship between Speech Therapy and Riding Therapy"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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