Preventing Hearing Impairment

Every individual to develop a language, especially in the initial phase of language acquisition, needs some requirements and among them is hearing.
According to data from the World Health Organization, hearing impairment ranks third among disabilities in the country.

Before birth, the fetus already has the ability to hear some sounds. After birth, the child begins to be exposed to a universe of different sounds, predominantly spoken language. Through stimuli and repetitive exposure of language sounds, the child also begins to give meanings, starting the process of language construction.

Assuming the importance of the auditory stimulus, the child who does not hear tends to have difficulties in construction of speech and language, as well as causing problems in reading and writing in the future that will accompany it through all phases of your life.

It is noteworthy that there are several ways to prevent hearing loss, knowing some information is essential, and putting them into practice is even more important. Parents are the main contributors to hearing prevention, as they need to know how to proceed from the moment they plan to have a child until the child's adulthood.

Below are some precautions that parents should take to provide good hearing health for their children. Watch:
Pregnancy care
• When deciding to get pregnant, seek medical advice;
• If there is a person with a disability in the family, perform an examination known as karyotype, through which the couple will identify the probability of the child having a disability;
• Before becoming pregnant, be aware of the vaccines you should take to prevent deafness and ensure the baby's health. Rubella, for example, is a disease that, when acquired by a pregnant woman, can cause deafness and blindness in the fetus.
Pregnancy care
• Always consult the doctor before taking any medication, however simple it may be;
• Do not be exposed to x-rays and take it only in extremely necessary cases;
• Do not consume alcoholic beverages, drugs and tobacco.
Care after the baby's birth
• Breastfeeding is extremely important, as it provides nutrients, favors the production of antibodies, as well as being responsible for an extremely affectionate bond with the mother. The posture in which the child is placed is very important, because when breastfed in the wrong position it can cause the development of otitis, the most upright position is ideal;

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• Pay attention to small objects, such as corn kernels, beans, among others, as the child can insert it in the ear;
• Use the cotton swab only on the outside of the ear;
• Avoid leaving the child exposed to loud noises or toys that have loud and rumbling noises;
• Be aware of certain diseases that cause hearing loss such as Measles, Mumps, Meningitis, Rubella, Syphilis and others.

By Elen Cristine M. Whitewashed Fields
Graduated in Speech Therapy and Pedagogy
Brazil School Team

Speech Therapy - Brazil School

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CAIADO, Elen Cristine Maia Campos. "Preventing hearing impairment"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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