Speech therapy and singing

Voice is defined as a set of sounds that is manufactured in the larynx through the vocal cords, also called language, it is a way for human beings to communicate. In particular music professionals, such as singer, choir conductor, vocal coaches, among others, should be worry about maintaining vocal health, being aware of the habits that are allowed, the advisable and especially the prohibited.

There are differences between the spoken voice and the singing voice, in relation to how to proceed with regard to the performance of techniques such as vocal warm-up and cool-down, in the prevention of pathologies acquired by incorrect use of the voice.
It is noteworthy that both in speech and in singing, the articulatory organs used are the same, but when it comes to singing, adjustments occur according to the demands of the music.

According to scholars, with regard to the physiological issue, when practicing singing, activation and coordination of the respiratory, phonatory, articulatory, resonant and auditory system (WATTS et al., 2003).

The moment an individual performs the chant, the breathing starts to be programmed according to the musical phrases and pauses. It is recommended that costodiaphragmatic-abdominal breathing be used during singing, providing deep and ample breathing.

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According to PINHO, 1998; and THORPE et al., 2002, good respiratory support is essential for adequate vocal projection.
Therefore, it is recommended that voice professionals seek an Otorhinolaryngologist, as well as a vocal techniques and care advisor, the Speech-Language Pathologist.
Curiosities: On April 16th, Voice Week is celebrated. On that date, prevention and vocal health campaigns are carried out in various parts of the country, making the population aware of the importance of caring for their voice.

By Elen Cristine M, Campos Caiado
Graduated in Speech Therapy and Pedagogy
Brazil School Team

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CAIADO, Elen Cristine Maia Campos. "Speech Therapy and Singing"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/fonoaudiologia/a-fonoaudiologia-canto.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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