Dissertation-argumentative text: how to do it and example

O essay-argumentative text is a very common discursive genre in entrance exams, such as fuvest, and in the And either. In short, it is a production in which an author defends his point of view through arguments. In the specific case of the National High School Exam, it is also required that they present themselves solution proposals for the problems raised in the argument.

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The essay-argumentative text - or just dissertation - is a type of text that discusses socially relevant issues. In the specific case of Enem, issues involving Brazil and its main problems usually appear as essay theme.

Furthermore, this type of text is recognized for having a very rigid structure, divided into three fundamental parts: introduction, argumentation and conclusion, as explained below.


  • Introduction

At the beginning of the dissertation, it is necessary for the author to make clear what is the subject covered in the text and, in addition, what will be the thesis - or point of view - to be defended.

  • argumentation

The intermediate paragraphs of a dissertation must be used to defend the thesis through arguments. It is important to remember that an argument is a textual structure that, through the analysis of evidence or grounds, confirms the author's point of view.

  • Conclusion

The end of a dissertation-argumentative text can be produced in two ways, as a synthesis or with proposed solutions. In the case of conclusion by synthesis, the author briefly repeats the arguments and concludes the text affirming the veracity of the thesis. In the case of the conclusion with proposed solutions, it is necessary to return to the problems discussed in the argument and propose interventions that eliminate or lessen the problematic issue.

It is important to remember that the suggested solutions must be detailed, explaining the agents (who will promote the solution), the actions (the what will be done to resolve the issue), the means (how the intervention will be promoted) and the objectives (for what the suggested action will be carried out).

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How to make?

To produce a good essay-argumentative text, it is necessary to be aware of the requirements that each part of the text - introduction, development and conclusion - has, as explained above. Also, it is important to remember:

  • of the use of standard norm the Portuguese language;
  • to support arguments based on knowledge from different areas;
  • demonstrate mastery of the cohesion and coherence elements of the language;
  • respect the human rights, established in the Universal Declaration drafted by the UN.

Sample essay-argumentative text

See, below, an example of the essay-argumentative text that achieved grade 1000 on Enem 2018:

The musical work "Admirável Chip Novo", by the singer Pitty, portrays the manipulation of human actions due to the use of technologies, which end up influencing the behavior of individuals. However, this issue transcends art and is present in the Brazilian reality through the filtering of data on the internet and its use as a tool for determining attitudes, a direct consequence of the interest of the globalized market and the vulnerability of users. Thus, it is essential to discuss these aspects in order for society to function fully.

It is worth emphasizing, at first, the establishment of virtual commerce and its contribution to the continuity of the problem. As for this factor, it is worth considering the high advertising capacity of the web, as well as its consolidation as a mercantile space - enabling the purchase and sale of products. In this regard, the famous geographer, Milton Santos, affirms the existence of a relationship between technical-scientific development and the demands of globalization, thus justifying the constant offer of cultural and commercial content that can be acquired by users, in order to strengthen the world market and the capitalism.

Parallel to this, social malpractice linked to the deficit in digital literacy fosters the perpetuation of the impasse. In this bias, educational institutions are still not effective in technological education, as they do not have a professional structure and material dedicated to the topic. Furthermore, the formation of vulnerable individuals enables the action of the mechanism that can transform behavior, making them susceptible to alienation. This situation contradicts the State proposed by the philosopher John Locke - guarantor of freedom -, generating a false sensation autonomy and exposing Internet users to a non-transparent environment, in which decisions are previously programmed by others.

In short, it is essential to take mitigating measures to the addressed obstacle. That said, the State, through the Ministries of Education and Science and Technology, is responsible for creating an educational plan that aims to elucidate the population about the risks of browsing the network and the need to adapt to new instruments digital. Such a project should be instrumental in offering technological devices to schools, for the promotion of lectures and practical classes on the use of technology, mediated by technicians and teachers in the area, aiming at the qualification of users and the prevention of cases of manipulation of attitudes. In this way, Brazil will be able to guarantee the freedom of its citizens and the Lockean State will be able to be consolidated."

Rylla Lídice Varela de Melo, 19 years old, from Ipanguaçu/RN

by Fernando Marinho

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/redacao/texto-dissertativo-argumentativo.htm

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