Form and spelling of some words

But more:
But: adversative conjunction, amounts to however, however, however:
Ex.: I try not to suffer, but the pain is very strong.
More: intensity pronoun or adverb, is opposed to minus:
Ex.: He is one of the prettiest boys in school.
Where where:
Where: place where you are or that some fact is happening:
Ex: Where did you go today?
To where: indicates movement (refers to movement verbs):
Ex: Where are you going?
What: pronoun, conjunction, adverb or expletive particle:
Ex: The subject should be forgotten quickly.
What: stressed monosyllable, noun, or interjection.
Ex: What do you need?
adverb (opposed to good), as a noun indicates disease, something harmful:
Ex: He behaved very badly. (adverb)
Ex: Child prostitution is an evil present in all parts of Brazil. (substantive)
Bad: adjective (bad, poor quality)
Ex: He's not a bad guy.
To meet: means "to be favorable to", "to approach".
Ex: When I saw my mother I ran to meet her.
Against: indicates opposition, collision.
Ex: Your ideas have always met mine. We are really different.

adjective that indicates equal, similar.
Ex: We have similar goals.
To: indicates purpose:
Ex: I work today in order to take a break tomorrow.
At par / At par
By: sense of "well informed"
Ex: I'm on top of all the gossip.
By pair: indicates equality between financial values.
Ex: The real is at the pair of the dollar.
Too much too much
Too much:
adverb of intensity, meaning of “very”.
Ex: You are too boring.
Furthermore, it can also be an indefinite pronoun, meaning “the others”.
Ex: Some teachers left the room while the others remained attentive to the guidelines.
Too much: is opposed to less.
Ex: I don't see anything more in your behavior.
otherwise/if not
If not:
sense of “otherwise”, “unless”.
Ex: I did nothing but talk.
If no: sense of “if not”.
Ex: If there is no awareness, there will be a shortage of water.
As / As
Insofar as: amounts to why, since, since.
Ex: As the projects were abandoned, the interns became discouraged.
As: indicates proportion, is equivalent to the proportion that.
Ex: The emotion increased as the moment of presentation approached.

By Marina Cabral
Specialist in Portuguese Language and Literature

Source: Brazil School -

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