Agent, us or are there people?

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At Portuguese language, there are words and expressions homophones, that is, different words or expressions whose pronunciation is the same, but which, semantically, are quite distinct. The word agent and the expressions we and there are people are examples of homophony that cause some doubts among the speakers. Well, let's help you to resolve your doubts about this by showing when and how they are used in each context.

→ “We”:

The expression 'we'is pronominal phrase whose meaning is equivalent to the pronoun 'we'. Generally, this expression is more used in speech (orality), since in the written modality (as literary texts and journalistic), the job of pronoun 'we' proves to be more suitable.




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Agent is a noun meaning “one who acts”, such as a police officer.

According to the definitions of the dictionaries gives Portuguese language, agent “it is someone who acts, who performs some action, who produces some effect, who manages or deals with business, in charge of the direction of an agency”. In this way, we use the word

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agentonly as common noun.


  • O Agent Police officer integrates one of the 14 careers of the Civil Police of the State of São Paulo.

  • when i grow up i will beagentof investigations.

→ There are people:

The expression ha gente is formed by the verb 'haver' in the present tense and the noun 'gente'.

The expression there are peopleit is the same as 'there are people' or 'there are people' and should only be used in this context.


  • there are people who cheats with his angel face.

  • there are people too much in this stadium.

  • No there are people who doesn't want this candy.

See how simple it is? Keep following our tips on spelling and semantics and good studies!

By Ma. Luciana Kuchenbecker Araújo

Source: Brazil School -

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