Skills Required in the Tests

Getting good grades in college entrance exams and getting passed requires a lot of effort from students, as they need to spend hours a day dedicating themselves to studies. In addition, at the time of the tests, some Skills considered basic for the candidate's approval.

build a good argument within discursive questions is one of these skills, as the student must express a point of view on a certain subject. For this to happen, it is important that he has the habit of reading, that he keeps himself informed about everyday events, that you talk and discuss these issues with friends, family and even teachers, in order to form your opinion about the various themes.

Mastering different languages it is also a required and evaluated competence, as the student must know the correct spelling of the words in the Portuguese language - for this, it is necessary to be aware of the new ones. spelling rules - as well as understanding texts, interpreting graphics and diagrams, knowing how to translate and relate comics, cartoons and other textual carriers.

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Even managing to develop a good argument and analyze the various languages ​​issued, the entrance exam must have the ability to prepare proposals about the themes, that is, knowing how to argue defending your idea, proposing solutions to them.

In this perspective, the student must interconnect the contents of the curriculum, that is, all the contents covered in the school, with the existing reality, understanding and interpreting the phenomena that occur all over the world. For this, it is necessary that you have made a true reading, that you have understood the contents and interpreted the facts, why they happened, managing to correctly resolve the issues presented.

By Jussara de Barros
Graduated in Pedagogy

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BARROS, Jussara de. "Competencies Required in the Tests"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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