What is Encceja

End 2020
Registrations: January 11th to 25th, 2021
Evidences: August 29, 2021

The National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults (fill) is a test by the National Institute of Education and Educational Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) for obtaining certificates for primary and secondary education.

Created in 2002, Encceja emerged as an assessment tool for participants who were not regularly attending schools and intended to obtain the certificate.

Inep transferred the High School certification to the National High School Exam (And either) in 2009, having the same age criteria and requiring from the participant a score higher than 450 points in each objective test and 500 in the essay. For secondary education certification, Encceja was restricted to Brazilians abroad.

In 2017, the Ministry of Education (MEC) decided to adopt Encceja again for the certification of secondary education. The reason is that Enem has become a gateway to the university, not being the best way to assess the knowledge of participants who wish to complete basic education.

Who can participate in Encceja?

To get certified in elementary school, you must be at least 15 years old. For high school, the participant must be at least 18 years old.

How do I sign up for Encceja?

Encceja registrations are made through the official exam page, and participation is completely free. Inep usually opens registration for the exam in August and the tests are held in October.

For exams administered in Brazil, the student must have the CPF number and Identity Document in hand. For those living abroad, CPF and passport number is required.

Persons deprived of liberty or in socio-educational measures need a pedagogical person responsible for enrolling in Encceja. All applicants must answer the Socioeconomic Questionnaire (QSE) to complete registration with Encceja.

How are the Encceja tests?

Encceja assesses participants' school knowledge, but also takes into account their relationship with family, community and work, if applicable. The tests are applied in a single day, in the morning and afternoon shifts.

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The evaluation of knowledge about the subjects is done through tests applied by Inep. Encceja is composed of 30 objective questions in each shift and an essay, regardless of the level for which the certification is achieved. What changes in tests is the division of disciplines and the content covered.


MORNING Natural Sciences and Mathematics  30 QUESTIONS 
EVENING Portuguese Language, Modern Foreign Language, Arts, Physical Education and Writing; History and geography



MORNING Natural Sciences and its Technologies and Mathematics and its Technologies 30 QUESTIONS 
EVENING Languages ​​and Codes and their Technologies and Writing and Human Sciences and their Technologies 30 QUESTIONS 

The essay has the traditional score from 0 to 10, requiring an average of 5 points for the participant to be approved. The certificate is awarded to the candidate who achieves a minimum score of 100 points in each objective test.

Where do I get my Encceja certificate?

Anyone who takes Encceja in Brazil should contact the Department of Education in their city and educational institutions affiliated with Inep. Deprived of liberty will have access to the certificate through their pedagogical guardians. For those who live abroad, Inep sends the document to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which forwards it to Brazilian embassies and consulates in countries that receive the exam.

The student who takes the Encceja and does not achieve the minimum score on each objective test and essay has the option to request the Declaration of Proficiency. Just take the registration number and exam notes to the Secretariats, for those in Brazil, or agencies responsible abroad so that a document is issued and this discipline does not have to be done again in the next Encceja.

More information about Encceja can be accessed at the official site. Students who live in other countries can also look for the Consulates General in Brazil.

By Lorraine Vilela
Brazil School Team

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