Cologne: an ecological relationship

The colony is a type of ecological relationship harmonica and intraspecific. When we say that an ecological relationship is harmonic or positive, we are saying that it is beneficial to everyone involved in the interaction. An intraspecific relationship is one that occurs between individuals of the same species.

How does a colony work?

In colonies, organisms are anatomically united, so that they seem to be a single being. They work cooperatively, providing for everyone's survival. Each individual is so dependent on each other that they are unable to live in isolation.

What are the main examples of colony?

One of the best known examples of colony are corals., small organisms belonging to the phylum of the cnidarians. Corals are responsible for forming the Coral reefs, ecosystems rich in biodiversity and therefore of great ecological as well as economic importance. Unfortunately, reefs are one of the ecosystems most affected by climate change.

Coral reefs are one of the main ecosystems on the planet
Coral reefs are one of the main ecosystems on the planet

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In addition to corals, we can mention the Portuguese caravel as an example of colony, a kind of cnidarian. In this organism, it is possible to observe an individual adapted to flotation and others specialized in feeding, defense and reproduction.

What are isomorphic colonies and heteromorphic colonies?

Colonies are formed by distinct individuals that may or may not be similar to each other. a colony is said isomorphic when all the individuals that constitute it have a certain similarity. This organization can be observed in colonies of algae of the genus Volvox. There are still the heteromorphous colonies, which have different individuals both in morphology and function. A well-known example is the Portuguese caravel, which has individuals adapted to different functions.

What differentiates a colony from a society?

In a society, the organisms also live together working for the group's development. However, unlike the colony, in society, individuals are not anatomically linked. As an example of society, we can mention the interaction between bees in a hive or termites in a termite mound.

By Ma Vanessa dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Cologne: an ecological relationship"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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