Meaning of Hoax (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Hoax is an English word that means scam or farce. One hoax is elaborate lie which aims deceive people. The internet is a medium where there is a proliferation of various hoaxes.

The origin of this word is controversial, but some etymology experts claim that hoax is derived from the word hocus (used in the expression hocus pocus, which was uttered as an incantation by some magicians).

The word hoax can also be used in the sense of deceiving someone with a Just kidding of the style "prank".

The internet is a powerful information-sharing tool, and it also potentiates the spread of misleading information. There are several types of hoaxes, which present different strategies to deceive people. Some hoaxes they are simply rumors intended to create a chain and get the most views, being a form of spam. However, a hoax may have a more obscure reason, to try transmit a computer virus or extort money someone.

One of the types of hoaxes most popular are those that feature photos and videos related to urban legends

, where extra-terrestrials, UFOs, mermaids are supposedly presented, that is, mysterious elements that arouse people's curiosity.

examples of hoaxes

Currently, the hoaxes are quite common on social networks, where there are rumors that Facebook will be paid or a certain account will be disabled if a person does not share specific content.

Others hoaxes address the materialist side, and the person receives an email saying that they have won a lot of money (or another prize) and to receive it they have to send an email or access a link. This action puts the person at risk, and often infects the computer with viruses

In some situations, the superstitious side of the user is addressed, indicating that he will be unlucky if he doesn't share something. There are also schemes in which they appear missing or sick children and for each person who shares the hoax, Association X will donate money to help find or cure the person in question.

One hoax it is often created with the intention to harm or denigrate the image of an association, company or person. As an example of this, we have Coca Cola and the supposed mouse found inside a bottle. In this case, Coca Cola released a video that despite not mentioning the hoax, serves as an answer, ensuring product quality and efficiency of the manufacturing process.

Other examples of hoaxes they are: the Nigerian email 419, where information such as account and bank numbers are requested; accidental tourist (photograph of a tourist moments before the 9/11 World Trade Center terrorist attack).

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