Nova Educa is an educational consultancy that will bring tips so that young people can, from an early age, learn to innovate and become an entrepreneur, discovering countless possibilities for building a future promising.
In building a career, it is very common for young people and teenagers to stay in doubt about which profession to choose, what to study etc. And today another debate emerged: to undertake or get a good job? Let's be honest, at this age it even seems unfair to make such important decisions for the continuation of life, but they are necessary and will have to happen.
There's one glam with the word entrepreneurship, that is, you will be your own boss, you will define your hours, define the paths your company will take. Looking at it from this point on, it seems like an obvious option, but don't be fooled. By reading our articles, you may have noticed that things are not so simple.
On the other hand, working in a company can seem like a punishment - respect the rules, follow orders or have a predefined schedule — but I'll say that professional growth and even success may be easier that way.
Companies offer some stability, that favors your professional planning. So let's look at three important things to think about before making a decision.Read too: 5 important terms for young entrepreneurs

3 important things to define between entrepreneurship and employment
1. Your characteristics
I know it's complicated, but understand about yourself is critical. for your life plan. There are some tests on the internet for professional profile assessment (do a Google search) that can shed some light on who you are. Focusing on the entrepreneurial profile, it is very important to be resilient, that is, do not give up and insist, because every beginning is always complicated.
Thinking about innovation and creativity it's excellent, but if you don't have a business, management and sales profile, the chances of success are complicated, as the company can't turn around at the beginning. Enjoying studying different subjects and seeking knowledge all the time are fundamental practices. The big difference here is that, in a job, you will focus more on your role., which facilitates the university course, training programs, internet content or any learning mechanism. Therefore, understanding your preferences and your stage of life helps you make a decision, but that does not mean it is the final decision, keep reading that you will understand.
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2. Professional experience can be important
Many young people dream and imagine themselves entrepreneuring, creating a great company, helping people and changing the world. Turning a dream into practice is a big challenge, and few young people in the world have managed it without much experience. Starting a business will bring you issues that are not always related to your product or service. Items such as programming, sales, accounting, finance, among others, may not be something easy and simple to solve.
Many successful entrepreneurs came from the market, that is, they started their careers in companies, grew, reached management positions and then, with more experience and financial power, faced the journey of their startups. Therefore, a decision will not always be final. You can start with one side, move to another, return, or continue—the more you know yourself and absorb life's experiences, the easier it will be to reach the best solution.
See too:5 methodologies for startups
3. How to choose?
First review the previous two items. I believe the answer will start to become clearer and clearer in your mind. But talking, sharing dreams and desires, is also a great way.. Tell people what you're thinking of doing, listen to stories of how other people are making their decisions, investigate courses, get to know a lot about the market in which you intend to act. The more other people know about your dreams and pursuits, the simpler the opportunities can arise. Advice or tips, regardless of the form, listen and absorb as best as possible, because being a curious person and a good communicator is fundamental. to succeed as an entrepreneur or in a job with large corporations. Good luck!
By New Educa
Nova Educa is an educational consultancy focused on developing projects in schools involving Apple Technology, with the implementation of iPads and teacher training. In addition, it also carries out the podcast Nova Educa Debate, with interviews about the educational market and BNCC about entrepreneurship and innovation contents. We will have several consultants collaborating with this column, which will be led by the innovation director, Carlos Coelho, Education enthusiast with experiences in multinational, at Singularity University (California), as a teacher and manager school; and we will have Priscila Coelho, operations director, specialist in educational technology training, creativity and innovation.