Meaning of Storytelling (What it is, Concept and Definition)

storytelling is an English word, which is related to a narrative and means the ability to tell relevant stories. In English the expression "tell a story" means "telling a story" and storyteller is a storyteller.

It consists of a method that uses words or audiovisual resources to convey a story. This story can be told off the cuff or it can be a polished and crafted story. It is also widely used in the context of learning, being an important way of transmission of cultural elements such as ethical rules and values.

It is difficult to indicate a precise date of creation of the storytelling, but it is known that it is thousands of years old, since storytelling has always been a human characteristic, even before written language existed.

The human being establishes interpersonal connections through the act of telling stories. Currently, the storytelling it is present in various areas of expression, such as cinema, television, literature, theater and even video games.

Before starting to prepare to tell a story, it is important to identify the essential elements of the story, the style of approach and who the story will be focused on.

There are several courses where some techniques used in the storytelling. A good story is usually interactive, visual, has a climax (a turning point in the story), is able to arouse emotions, uses dialogue realistic, it appeals to the senses, has a character that the audience identifies with and has an easily identified conflict, which is sorted out.

O storytelling it is a skill that can be developed and that is later applied in some tool. It can be used in the following areas: as a marketing strategy, to motivate a company's internal employees, to help in the launch of a product, in the advertising campaign, etc.

Storytelling in marketing and advertising

We live in an era of information overload, people are constantly bombarded by advertisements and many companies are fighting for the attention of a potential consumer/customer. People have created a defense, an immunity to many traditional approaches. It is in this context that the storytelling gains vital importance. That's because telling an interesting story is one of the most effective ways to get someone's attention.

O storytelling it consists in sharing a unique and real story of a company or a product, creating a close relationship between the company and the customer. A good story reveals the great advantage that the company in question has brought to the consumer's life.

O transmedia storytelling is a concept that reveals the transmission of a story in different types of media, knowing that the stories have to be appropriate and told in different ways depending on the different types of media in question.

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