Deputies decide to return Philosophy and Sociology in high school MP

After include Arts and Physical Education among the compulsory subjects of high school, the Chamber of Deputies approved last night, December 13, by 324 votes in favor and five against, an amendment to also include the disciplines of Philosophy and Sociology in the Interim Measure for High School (MP 746/2016).

The exclusion of the disciplines of Arts, Physical Education, Philosophy and Sociology from high school was the most controversial point of the MP. The original text of the Provisional Media removed the articles from the National Education Guidelines and Bases Law (LDB) that dealt with the obligatory nature of these disciplines.

At the original text of the MP, the obligatory nature of the subjects of Arts and Physical Education were restricted to kindergarten and elementary school. On the other hand, item IV of article 36 of the LDB, which spoke about the teaching of Philosophy and Sociology, had been replaced by the optional teaching of Human Sciences.


With the approval of the amendments, Arts, Physical Education, Philosophy and Sociology will be part of the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC), whose content will be defined by mid-2017. This means that these subjects will not be taught in isolation, but will have content within the BNCC. There is also the possibility of Philosophy and Sociology being present in the Human Sciences area.

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BNCC content will be taught throughout high school in parallel to the specific area chosen by the student. The report approved by the Chamber divides the workload of high school in 60% for BNCC and 40% for specific areas, which can be: Languages ​​and its Technologies; Science of Nature and its Technologies; Applied Human and Social Sciences; Mathematics and its Technologies; and Technical and Professional Training.

In five years, the expansion will be from the current 800 hours per year to 1,000 hours. After that, the goal will be 1,400 hours a year, but the text approved by the deputies does not stipulate a deadline. In the three years of high school, the total workload allocated to BNCC cannot exceed 1,880 hours.


Yesterday, the Chamber of Deputies finalized the vote on the MP for High School. The matter will now go to the Senate, which will have until March 2, 2017 to approve it, otherwise, the MP will lose its validity.

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