End 2019 - result, test, feedback

Students who did not complete elementary or secondary education within the expected age were able to obtain the diploma through the National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults (fill) 2019. O result of Encceja 2019 was released on December 6th for those who took the test in Brazil.

End 2019

Registrations: May 20th to 31st
Card (evidence locations): August 12th
Evidences: August 25th
Templates: September 4th
Result: December 6th

Read: Encceja can be the opportunity for new professional perspectives

Encceja Exterior 2019

Registrations: June 24th to July 5th
Evidences: September 15th

Who can participate in Encceja 2019?

Encceja 2019 is divided into primary and secondary education. Check below the minimum age for each level:

  • Elementary School: people over 15 at the time of registration
  • High school: people over 18 at the time of registration

Encceja has its national stage for the community, called Encceja Nacional; the exam for Brazilians living abroad - Encceja Exterior; and versions for people deprived of liberty (in Brazil or abroad) - Encceja PPL.

How do I sign up for Encceja 2019?

The student had to access the Encceja website, from May 20th to 31st, and register with CPF and identity card. It is important to fill in the form with updated data in case of password resending.

Those deprived of liberty will be enrolled by the pedagogical representatives of the socio-educational or prison units. Brazilians who live abroad will enroll through the website, on the date stipulated by Inep, requiring a passport number to participate.

What to study for Encceja 2019?

Inep makes available to students the content to be studied for Encceja, based on real exam questions. The file is online and free and is divided by the areas of knowledge adopted for elementary and secondary education.

Check here how to study for Encceja

When will Encceja 2019 be?

Encceja Nacional was applied on August 25, in both rounds, throughout Brazil. The Encceja Exterior tests will be applied on September 15th, and the Encceja PPL tests on October 8th and 9th.

How are the Encceja 2019 tests?

Encceja is divided into tests with content on different areas of knowledge, each consisting of 30 objective questions. In addition, all participants need to write an essay in Portuguese.


MORNING Natural Sciences and Mathematics  30 QUESTIONS 
EVENING Portuguese Language, Modern Foreign Language, Arts, Physical Education and Writing; History and geography



MORNING Natural Sciences and its Technologies and Mathematics and its Technologies 30 QUESTIONS 
EVENING Languages ​​and Codes and their Technologies and Writing and Human Sciences and their Technologies 30 QUESTIONS 

How is Encceja's score?

Each objective test of Encceja has a score from 0 to 200 points, with the average required for approval being 100 points. The writing ranges from 0 to 10 and the average for approval is 5 points. The Encceja Tradicional 2019 template will be released until September 6th.

Do I need to pass all exams to get the certificate?

To be certified by Encceja, you must reach the minimum score in all tests. However, it is possible to take a statement of proficiency for the subjects in which the average is achieved.

The participant who has the declaration of proficiency in the tests in which he reached the minimum score will only take the next Encceja to pass the other subjects.

How to get the Encceja 2019 certificate?

The Encceja Nacional certificate is issued by the Education Departments and federal institutes associated with Inep. The participant must look for the Secretariat or institute located in the city where he took the test, taking his personal documents and registration number. The same measure applies to the declaration of proficiency.

The Encceja Exterior certificate is sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which forwards it to Brazilian embassies and consulates in the countries that receive the exam.

When is the result of Encceja 2019 coming out?

The result of the Encceja 2019 (traditional test) was released on December 6th, for both elementary and secondary education.

The other modalities of Encceja - PPL (domestic and foreign) and normal abroad - will have their results released at the beginning of next year, based on what was adopted in previous editions.

More information at Encceja website and in the Brazil School.

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