How do I see myself, as an educator, in front of the youth today?

Today's youth have their values ​​changed over time and their performance is much more dynamic than before. We need to be attuned to this movement to better understand it.

Our role, as an educator, is also to transmit specific knowledge that fits the discipline that we teach, but we have a much larger, “social” function, that of forming responsible citizens for their attitudes; questioners in the society in which they live; participatory decision-making, respecting differences and that democratization exists to have the right to be young.

For many colleagues, I have a different attitude as a professional in education, because they think that I dream too much, that I run my hand over the heads of our students, that I allow them to decide what should be done, only for me.

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We, educators, must allow the student to have a voice, giving opportunities for decisions, choices and options; through participation, cooperation, the organization, we decide our day-to-day activities, as doing our work within the reality of young people is more significant; self-esteem is always worked on, because with so many concerns: problems, prejudice, neglect, etc., we don't feel motivated.

Hard but rewarding role.

Per Rodiney Marcelo
Columnist Brazil School

education - Brazil School

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DANTAS, Gabriela Cabral da Silva. "How do I see myself, as an educator, in front of the youth today?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 27, 2021.

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