Fox (Family Canidae)

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Kingdom animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order carnivora
Family Canidae

Foxes are animals belonging to the Canidae family, as well as dogs, wolves, jackals, coyotes and wild animals. All these animals, usually medium-sized, can live both alone and in groups, this being usually a habit of those of larger size.

Canids, considered the oldest carnivores on the planet, have long tails, non-retractable claws, long legs, and sharp hearing and smell, which help in hunting. However, in cases of scarcity, they are able to feed on vegetables.
As for the environment in which they are found, it is quite variable: from very cold regions, as is the case of the arctic fox (alopex lagopus), to deserts.
There are 23 species of foxes in the world, distributed in the genera Alopex (1), Cerdocyon (1), Dusicyon (1), Otocyon (1), Pseudalopex (6), Urocyon (2) and Vulpes (11).

Of these, only three are found in Brazil:
- Cerdocyon thous, popularly known as graxaim-do-mato:

- Pseudalopex gymnocercus, popularly known as graxaim-do-campo:

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- Pseudalopex vetulus, popularly known as fox-do-campo:

As for the conservation status, according to the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature), we have:

- A species with insufficient data (DD, Data Deficient): pale vulpes;

- Seventeen species with minimal risk (LC, Least Concern), including the three that occur in our country;
- A Near Threatened species (NT, Near Threatened): Pseudalopex sechurae;

- Two severely endangered species (CR, Critically Endangered): Urocyon littoralis and Pseudalopex fulvipes;

- An extinct species (EX, Extinct): Dusicyon Australis.

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By Mariana Araguaia
Biologist, specialist in Environmental Education
Brazil School Team

Vertebrates -Animals -Brazil School

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ARAGUAIA, Mariana. "Fox (Family Canidae)"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.
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