On September 5, 2012, the Ministry of Health launched the “Manual of Healthy School Canteens: promoting healthy eating” to encourage and guide canteen owners in private schools to transform their commercial establishment into a healthy canteen.
This manual shows how alarming is the case of diseases such as obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol and hypertension, which are related to poor diet. It also shows what is considered a healthy food, what changes should be made in the canteen, what are the benefits of this transformation, how the seller can improve the sales of these healthy snacks and how they should be prepared, sanitized and preserved. Some important tips are given regarding the hygiene of the employee who will handle the food, the environment and the food itself. They can be seen in the text “Food hygiene in school canteens” in the same Health at School channel.
But, and we, consumers, do we know how to choose a food well and prepare it properly for consumption? Do parents provide important information about the snacks that their children should choose in school cafeterias or other establishments, even when shopping at supermarkets?
Generally, when we go shopping for food, we tend to place a high value on its appearance. Some even say that "first we eat with our eyes". And, indeed, appearance is a fundamental indicator to know if the food is suitable for consumption.
However, this factor is not the only one that should be noted. After all, this is not enough to indicate the nutritional value of the food or whether it is spoiled or not. For example, it is only through smell and taste that certain molecules that are in the gaseous phase or dissolved in water (in the food liquid or in saliva) are detected; we just can't see it with our eyes. Therefore, in order not to be contaminated and to choose healthier and more nutritious foods for us and our families, we need to follow some tips. As for foods that are considered healthy, read the text "What are healthy foods?”.
Once you know which ones provide the essential nutrients for our body, follow the tips below:
1. When shopping:
1.1. Buy cold, frozen and hot meals last. If it's going to take more than 30 minutes to get home, put these items in boxes or coolers;
1.2. Ever prefer fresh food. Mainly meat and fish, they must be carefully checked if they are really fresh. In the case of fish, you should see if the tail is moist and not folded and dry, the scales should be shiny and well attached to the body, the eyes should be shiny with black pupils and transparent corneas, the flesh should be firm and not soft, the gills should be red and smell if it is well. To keep food fresh it is good to shop closer to home.
1.3. Check if the packing is not torn or dented and see if the products that should be colds are not;
1.4. always look at product validity, especially those on promotion (these are usually short-lived). Remember that even though it looks normal, if the food is past its expiration date, it can be harmful;
1.5. Carefully read the label and composition of food. Take the opportunity to look at the amount of additives added to the product, especially if you have it at home children under 5 years old, pregnant women, seniors over 70 and people with immune problems, as they are more vulnerable to foodborne illnesses;
1.6. if you ever had any allergic reaction or malaise, relate to what you ate previously;
1.7. put fish and meat in different bags not to contaminate one another;
1.8. In case of using reusable bags, always wash them with hot soapy water.
2. When preparing:
2.1. Wash your hands well with soap and water and then rub 70% alcohol, especially if you go to the bathroom;
2.2. Keep the kitchen clean, clean surfaces with hot soapy water or disinfectant and Change frequently the items you use the most, such as the dishwashing sponge and washcloths. plates;
2.3. Wash vegetables, fruits and vegetables well, even if you are going to peel them later. In the case of vegetables, extra care must be taken, first separate sheet by sheet, wash with running drinking water, leave for 15 minutes in sodium hypochlorite solution (1 tablespoon of sodium hypochlorite for each liter of water) and then rinse by immersing in water drinking;
2.4. Try to consume foods while they are still fresh, as some nutrients are only found in these types of foods;
2.5. Pack and wrap raw meat and seafood separately, using different boards and knives, or wash with soap and water whenever you change meat;
2.6. Do not thaw at room temperature, it is preferable to thaw in the microwave, in cold water or in a refrigerator in a well-sealed package;
2.7. Cook well, reaching temperatures above 70ºC;
2.8. Serve immediately;
2.9. Leftovers stored in the refrigerator can only be consumed within a maximum period of four days, at a temperature of 5ºC;
2.10. Follow the instructions given on the package, inform yourself, research and ask. Even many manufacturers put phones in their product packaging, which we can call with any questions.
By Jennifer Fogaça
Graduated in Chemistry
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude-na-escola/dicas-para-comprar-preparar-alimentos-mais-saudaveis.htm