Meaning of From the old woman's arc (What it is, Concept and Definition)

from the old woman's arch is a popular Portuguese expression that means "Fantastic", "incredible", "amazing". Often the complete expression is: "they are things from the old woman's bow". This expression can also be used to qualify a story or something that is absurd or far-fetched.

From the old woman's arch, it refers to a past, ancient fact. "My grandfather started talking about his childhood days and told many stories about the old woman's arch".

It is known that around the 19th century, the expression "old woman's bow" was used to describe the rainbow, something that is not so common nowadays. One of the explanations behind this expression is that this denomination was created thanks to the biblical story of Noah, when after the flood, God created the rainbow to demonstrate his covenant with the human being, and that he would not send another flood of this magnitude. Thus, in the expression "from the bow of the old woman", the term "old woman" represents the old covenant that God formed with Man. For this reason the rainbow is also known as the bow-of-the-alliance.

An alternative explanation for the origin of this expression is that it was originally "old lady's ark" and not "crown's bow". This is because ladies of a certain age were in the habit of storing incredible and amazing things in their chests.

From the old woman's arch - bookshop and cafe

Do Arco da Velha is a bookstore and cafe inaugurated on May 11, 2005 in Caxias do Sul, RS. This bookstore sells used books, and was created because Guilherme Ramos Martinato, partner-owner of Livraria and Café Do Arco da Velha, he noticed a lack of variety in second-hand bookstores in the your location.

This bookstore manages to reconcile culture and leisure, taking into account that it offers spaces where its customers can read, socialize, and enjoy the cafeteria service.

Old woman's arch - furniture

Arco da Velha is a company located in São José do Rio Preto, SP, which works with demolition furniture, antique furniture and replicas.

Old lady's arch - antiques

Arco da Velha is an antique store located in Piracicaba, in the interior of São Paulo. This store has been on the market for over 10 years and works with old, restored or new products, guaranteeing quality in any case.

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