Oops it's a interjection of astonishment.
It is also the acronym for Public Offer for Acquisition.
See the meaning of Public Offer for Acquisition.
Opa interjection is used to react to something that has been said or done, either positively or negatively, but always with the idea of surprise or amazement.
Example: "You are pregnant! Oops, how wonderful!"
or "Oops, this accusation is serious. Do you have proof of that?"
Or when one person collides with another, it can only be "oops", which shows that it was unintentional.
In some regions of Brazil it is also a greeting, like good afternoon or good night.
As a feminine noun, Oops it's a garment sleeveless and open to the sides, used in religious ceremonies, especially by the Catholic Church.
In Greece, oops also works as an interjection. In Greek it corresponds to an expression of satisfaction and joy, and is used as in Brazil the "health" is used when toasting. At Greek parties, when making a toast, shout "oops".
Opa is also how Spaniards in the Andalusian region refer to their father or a friend. There are indications that its use originates from the word oppa, which in German means grandpa.
the variation the man is an expression commonly used in Portugal, which combines the article "o" with the vocative "pá", which would have come from "boy". Used only in informal language, similar to the use of "guy" in Brazil.
"The paddle" is used to punctuate the speech and get the interlocutor's attention. As in the sentences:
"Take care of these things right away, the man" and "Well, the man, it's the custom".