Spiders and Scorpions: Arachnids that are dangerous to humans

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Considering the variety of organisms that belong to the Arachnida Class (the arachnids), in particular spiders with about 40,000 identified species, and scorpions with approximately 1600 cataloged species and subspecies, among which few are harmful to humans, that is, they cause any damage to the human health, an intense control of these small animals is necessary, due to the synthesis of potentially harmful poisons, in some cases leading to death.
In this sense, acting in the prevention of accidents involving spiders and scorpions, the population can use certain precautions, prophylactic measures such as the following:
- Periodically carry out the observation of yards and gardens, keeping these places clean;
- Clean the vacant lots, avoiding the accumulation of debris and garbage, environments prone to the proliferation of disease-transmitting invertebrates (flies, cockroaches, ants) as they serve as food for spiders and scorpions;
- Before using any item of clothing (pants, shirt) or even socks and shoes, examine the existence of dangerous inopportune insects;

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- Redouble attention in areas close to civil construction;
- Use appropriate safety equipment (gloves, closed shoes, long pants and long-sleeved shirt) to perform routine activities in areas that pose any danger.
- If possible, seal the windows with fine mesh screens, as well as the door sills with a rolled cloth or rubber.
Loxosceles → brown spider
Phoneutria → spider-armory
Latrodectus → black widow
Tityus → yellow and brown scorpion.

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By Krukemberghe Fonseca
Graduated in Biology

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RIBEIRO, Krukemberghe Divine Kirk da Fonseca. "Spiders and Scorpions: Arachnids Dangerous to Humans"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biologia/aranhas-escorpioes-aracnideos-perigosos-ao-ser-humano.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.


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