Why does the tooth hurt with cold water?

Feeling pain in the tooth when we eat something very cold, like ice cream, for example, is something that many people have felt. For people with sensitive teeth, drinking something cold can be even more painful.
The sensation of pain occurs when the cold of what we eat reaches the pulp of the teeth, where the nerve endings are located. Thus, the central nervous system, as a way to alert and signal that that situation is not adequate, causes pain.
People with cavities feel pain when ingesting something cold more frequently. This is because bacteria destroy tooth enamel, an important thermal insulator. Gum retraction also leaves the tooth root more exposed, making its pulp more vulnerable to temperature changes.

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Curiosities - Brazil School

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DANTAS, James. "Why does the tooth hurt with cold water?"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/curiosidades/por-que-dente-doi-com-agua-fria.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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