Current Population of Brazil. Data on the current population of Brazil

question 1

Brazil has a population of 202,768,562 inhabitants, according to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), published today (28) in the Diário Oficial da União. The most populous state, São Paulo, has 44.03 million inhabitants. In the less populated state, Roraima, there are 496.9 thousand people.

IBGE data are population estimates as of July 1, 2014. In addition to São Paulo, five states have more than 10 million inhabitants: Minas Gerais (20.73 million), Rio de Janeiro (16.46 million), Bahia (15.13 million), Rio Grande do Sul (11.21 million) and Paraná (11.08 million millions).

(ABDALA, V. Brazil has more than 202 million inhabitants, says IBGE. EBC Portal, 08/28/2014. Available at: <>).

The aforementioned data, referring to the year 2014, allows us to state that Brazil:

a) it is a densely populated country in all its areas.

b) it is a depopulated country.

c) has a high relative population and a median total population.

d) is the most populous country in the Americas.

e) has densely occupied regions.

question 2

Mortality rates in Brazil have been decreasing throughout the 20th century, especially from the 1950s onwards, due to improvements in social and hygiene conditions, in addition to advances in the field of medicine, a process that was responsible for the significant increase in the number of population. However, later on, there was also a gradual reduction in birth rates. For this reason, Brazilian population growth has remained at low levels in recent years.

The population cycle mentioned above represents:

a) an anomalous behavior of the population.

b) a temporary state of population growth.

c) a period of transition from vegetative growth.

d) the realization of the Malthusian predictions of the beginning of the 20th century.

e) the reduction of the effects of the underdeveloped economy on demography.

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