In order to ensure the health of the children when attending classes, we have separated, below, the main hygiene habits that every child should have at school. As we know, school is a place of agglomeration of people, and, due to this factor, school-age children are often affected by diseases they contracted in this environment. Some of these pathologies can be avoided if children adopt proper hygiene habits in the school environment. Check out some important school hygiene tips.
Read too: Tips on how to prevent illness in school children
Hygiene habits that every child should have at school
At school, we must keep in mind that we are in contact with several people and that some of them may be sick, so we have to take precautions to avoid contamination. Furthermore, we cannot forget basic hygiene habits, which should be adopted both at home and elsewhere.
1. Always wash your hands
Hand washing is among the most important habits in disease prevention. That's because our hands are in contact
constant with surfaces that may be contaminated. By touching these surfaces and coming into contact with mucous membranes, through the eyes, nose and mouth, we can promote the development of infections. In addition, we can contaminate our food by eating with dirty hands. So it's important that we get into the habit of washing them often.In schools, we must pay attention to hand washing, especially, before having a snack and after using the bathroom. Also, if you have an injury, it is important not to touch it without first hand sanitizing.
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2. Adopt respiratory label
Respiratory tag or cough tag are simple measures that can help minimize disease transmission. Its about cover the mouth and nose with a handkerchief whenever you cough or sneeze or, if you don't have a handkerchief in hand, cough or sneeze into your forearm.
despite many people use your hand to contain your sneezing or coughing, this habit is not recommended, as hands can contaminate surfaces, for example, becoming major vehicles of disease transmission. Furthermore, it is important that, after using the tissue, it is disposed of properly and immediately.
It is worth mentioning that if the child has fever or has a confirmed diagnosis of a contagious disease, it is recommended that she stay at home. In addition to being fundamental for her to recover, this attitude helps to protect the school community.
3. Eating in a proper and clean place
The time to eat is a very important one, so some precautions must be taken. The first one, already mentioned, is to remember to always wash your hands. However, it is not enough to have clean hands and eat in an inappropriate and dirty place. While eating, the child may touch dirty surfaces and end up contaminating their food, which can lead to the development of illnesses.
Read too: Risks from contaminated playground sand
4. Do not share personal effects
It is very common among children to share personal items, such as glasses, small bottles of water or even a bottle of soda or juice. This habit, despite seeming harmless to them, can be responsible for triggering illnesses. THE H1N1 flu, for example, can be transmitted that way, as well as the tonsillitis and herpes.
Read more: Why can't we share personal items?
5. Dispose of garbage in an appropriate place
By disposing of garbage in an appropriate place, we ensure a healthy environment for everyone that circulate through that place. Garbage accumulation may be responsible for attract animal vectors of disease, like mosquitoes, cockroaches and rats. Also, some discarded objects may be responsible for cause accidents.
In addition to the aforementioned tips, which refer to habits adopted in the school environment, it is important that the child is always concerned about their personal hygiene before going to school. Wearing clean clothes and shoes, taking a shower every day, and brushing your teeth are important habits. that should be part of the child's routine and that are directly related to a more healthy.
By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher