Trigonometric Equations and Inequations

What differs the trigonometric equation and inequality from others is that they have trigonometric functions of the unknowns.
Trigonometric function is the relationship made between the sides and angles of a right triangle. These relations are called sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant, cotangent.
►See some examples of when an equation is trigonometric and when it is not trigonometric.
sin x + cos y = 3 is a trigonometric equation, since the unknowns x and y have trigonometric functions.
x + tg30º - y2 + cos60º = √3 is not a trigonometric equation, because the trigonometric functions do not belong to the unknowns, that is, the unknowns are independent of the trigonometric functions.
►See now examples of trigonometric inequalities and when an inequality is not trigonometric because it has trigonometric functions.
sin x > √3 is a trigonometric inequality because a trigonometric function is a function of an unknown.
(sin 30°). x + 1 > 2 is not a trigonometric function, since a trigonometric function is not a function of the unknown.

by Danielle de Miranda
Graduated in Mathematics
Brazil School Team 

Trigonometry - Math - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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