Death Valey. Death Valley in the United States

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The Death Valley (in English Death Valley) is a depression influenced by the arid climate, located north of the Desert of Monjave in the US state of California is the driest place in the United States (10 mm rainfall index Yearly).
This arid depression spans about 225 kilometers along the California-Nevada border. Death Valley is 160 kilometers west of the city of Las Vegas.
The very high temperatures recorded and the fact that it is located 86 meters below sea level are the main highlights.

death Valey

The highest temperature in the Americas was recorded in Death Valley (South, Central and North America). Not to mention that this place had the second highest temperature on the planet, on July 10, 1913, when it registered 56.6°C.
At the lowest point in the United States (Death Valley) there is an abundant deposit of borates (oxygenated salts that contain boron and oxygen in its chemical composition), which comprises the largest in the world.
An intriguing fact about Death Valley is in relation to rocks that slide, that is, rocks that move inexplicably. What is known is that the movement of the stones left tracks on the surface of the relief where they traveled.

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By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Death Valey"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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