Rio+10. Rio+10: Sustainable Development

International conferences held by the United Nations (UN) when debating issues related to the environment environment, consist of opportunities for the development of projects in the search for practical and effective solutions aimed at protecting environmental.
The first major event was held in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1972. In 1982 a new meeting took place in Nairobi, Kenya. Brazil hosted a conference, organized in the city of Rio de Janeiro, in 1992, whose event became known as Eco-92. After 10 years, the World Summit on Sustainable Development was held in Johannesburg, South Africa.
From August 26th to September 4th, 2002, the UN promoted in Johannesburg, the World Summit on Sustainable Development, also known as Rio+10. This event brought together representatives from 189 countries, in addition to the participation of hundreds of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).
Discussions at Rio+10 were not restricted to preserving the environment, it also encompassed social aspects. One of the most important points of the conference was the search for measures to reduce by 50% the number of people living below the poverty line (on less than 1 dollar a day) by 2015.

Issues on water supply, basic sanitation, energy, health, agriculture and biodiversity were debated, in addition to demanding attitudes towards commitments made during Eco-92, mainly to put into practice Agenda 21 (a document composed of 2,500 recommendations to achieve development sustainable).
However, the results of Rio + 10 were not very significant. The developed countries did not cancel the debts of the poorest nations, as well as the member countries of OPEC (Organization of Countries Oil Exporters) together with the United States did not sign the agreement that provided for the use of 10% of renewable energy sources (wind, solar, etc.).
One of the few positive results was related to water supply. Countries agreed to the goal of halving the number of people without access to safe water or basic sanitation by 2015.

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By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

Global warming - General geography - geography - Brazil School

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FRANCISCO, Wagner de Cerqueira and. "Rio+10"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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