Wendley Souza da Silva

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Wendley Souza da Silva has been a columnist for Canal de Informática do Brasil Escola since May 2007.

It has courses in:
- Graduation in Telematics Technology, by Cefet-CE
- Specialization in Distance Education, by Senac-RJ
- Master's Degree in Teleinformatics Engineering, in progress, by UFC

He works as a professor and researcher at the Federal University of Ceará, in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering courses.

It works in the area of ​​Computer Networks, more specifically in the shaping of the traffic of these networks, aiming at guaranteeing the multimedia services offered by it.

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Its work objective is to make available to society, in a clear and concise manner, relevant matters of the various fields that Informatics covers, such as Computing, Systems Analysis, Network and Internet Security, New Technologies etc.

The email for contacting the columnist can be seen at: http://www.wendley.com/contato

Team - Brazil School

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SCHOOL, Team Brazil. "Wendley Souza"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/equipe/wendley-souza.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.


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Wendley Souza da Silva

Wendley Souza da Silva has been a columnist for Canal de Informática do Brasil Escola since May 2...

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