Social security consists of a set of social actions and policies that aim to promote the establishment of a more egalitarian and just society, helping citizens and their families in certain situations, such as old age, unemployment and illness.
Social security (or social security) acts as a social protection system, ensuring people some basic rights related to health, welfare and social assistance. In fact, these are considered the three fundamental pillars of social security, according to the Brazilian Constitution.
As a principle, social security exists to try to achieve a solidary, equal and fair society for all. In addition, it aims to eradicate social ills, such as poverty and marginalization, reducing social inequalities.
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In fact, social security is one of the basic rights provided for in the International Charter of Human Rights (Article 22):
Every person, as a member of society, has the right to social security and to carrying out, through national effort, international cooperation in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable to its dignity and to the free development of its personality.
It is the obligation of the Public Power to organize social security, under the terms of the law, following the following principles:
- Universal coverage and service;
- Uniformity and equivalence of benefits and services to urban and rural populations;
- Selectivity and distribution in the provision of benefits and services;
- Irreducibility of the value of benefits;
- Equity in the form of participation in costing;
- Diversity of funding base;
- Democratic and decentralized character of administrative management with the participation of the community, especially workers, entrepreneurs and retirees.
There are two main groups of crimes against social security: embezzlement and forgery of documents; and tax evasion and misappropriation. The evasion of social security contributions, for example, has as a penalty provided for by law imprisonment from 2 (two) to 5 (five) years, plus the payment of a fine.
know what it means benefit enabled.
Social Security and Social Security
Social security is one of the pillars of social security, that is, the latter covers not only social security, but also social assistance and public health, forming a group in favor of guaranteeing the quality of life of the citizen.
Thus, social security consists of a kind of "insurance" guaranteed to the citizen in specific cases and established by law (Article 201 of the Federal Constitution), such as:
- Coverage of illness, disability, death and old age events;
- Maternity protection, especially for pregnant women;
- Protection for workers in situations of involuntary unemployment;
- Family allowance and imprisonment allowance for dependents of low-income policyholders;
- Pension on death of the insured, man or woman, to the spouse or partner and dependents.
However, it is noteworthy that social security is contributory character and mandatory membership, that is, the citizen must contribute monthly with a certain percentage of their gross salary so that the State guarantees them these rights.
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Social Security in Brazil
Social security is a constitutional obligation of the Brazilian State, as established in the texts of articles 194 to 204 of the Federal Constitution of 1988. In Brazil, social security is organized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.
However, other philanthropic and private initiative bodies can also act in social security areas (private pension), in health (private plans), etc.
As stated, in Brazil social security is composed of three main pillars: Social security; Social assistance and Public health.
- Social Security: social protection and livelihood granted to the citizen through contribution;
- Social assistance: social policies that guarantee protection to citizens free of charge;
- Public health: universal access to public health and sanitation services, preventing the risk and spread of diseases.