What is “Pasargada”?

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I'm leaving for Pasargada
I'm leaving for Pasargada
I'm a friend of the king there
There I have the woman I want
in the bed i will choose
I'm leaving for Pasargada
I'm leaving for Pasargada
Here I am not happy
There existence is an adventure
so inconsequential
May Joana the Madwoman of Spain
Queen and false insane
Comes to be the counterpart
daughter-in-law I never had
And how will I do gymnastics
I will ride a bike
I will ride a wild donkey
I'll climb the tallow stick
I will bathe in the sea!
And when you're tired
I lie on the riverbank
I send for the mother of water
to tell me the stories
that in my time as a boy
rose came to tell me
I'm leaving for Pasargada
In Pasargada it has everything
It's another civilization
It has a secure process
to prevent conception
It has an automatic telephone
Have alkaloid at will
have beautiful whores
for us to date
And when I'm sadder
But sad that there is no way
when at night give me
will to kill me
-I'm a friend of the king there-
I will have the woman I want

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in the bed i will choose
I'm leaving for Pasargada.
(Star of a lifetime, cit., p. 127-8.)
Rosa: mulatto who served as a nanny to
Manuel Bandeira and his brothers when
alkaloid: found chemical substance
In plants that, among other purposes, serves
for the manufacture of drugs.
It is Bandeira himself who explains:
“Vou-me-me para Pasárgada” was the poem with the longest gestation in all my work. I first saw this name of Pasargada when I was sixteen years old and it was in a Greek author. [...] This name of Pasárgada, which means “field of the Persians”, evoked in my imagination a fabulous landscape, a country of delights [...]. More than twenty years later, when I lived alone in my house on Rua do Curvelo, in a moment of dismay, from the most acute illness, this preposterous cry suddenly sprang from my subconscious: “I'm going away to Pasargada!”. I felt in the roundabout the first cell of a poem [...].

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Literature - Brazil School

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

DANTAS, James. "What is “Pasargada”?"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/literatura/pasargada.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.


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