Therefore, let us situate ourselves in some linguistic circumstances, as evidenced below, in order to carry out our understanding of the subject:
- When we are looking for knowledge, we look for learn about a certain subject, especially learning all the information that is inherent to it.
- Inflict represents a form of punishment for those who may infringe traffic rules, for example.
- The respected teacher received from students the much deserved tribute.
In all cases, the words (alluding to those that are in evidence) are demarcated by similar traits, especially with regard to spelling and pronunciation. However, when analyzed, they present different meanings, becoming applicable in specific contexts, taking into account the issuer's discourse.
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And it is precisely based on this prerogative that this article guides its purposes: to highlight some word “slips” that affect even experienced writers. Since we are subject to failures, the incidence of some “slips” sometimes becomes inevitable, however it is always good to be vigilant about our linguistic performance. Thus, in order not to compromise it, here are some cases of paronymy, sometimes targets of confusion, followed by their respective meanings:

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team
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DUARTE, Vânia Maria do Nascimento. "Linguistic Stumbles Revealed by Paronymy"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.