Albert Einstein: biography, scientific production and phrases

AlbertEinstein (1879-1955) was a physicist German, born in the city of Ulm in 1879. As a young man, he moved to Switzerland, where he graduated, becoming a professor at the Zurich Polytechnic School. In 1903 he married MilevaMaric, who had twosons. The couple stayed together until 1919, even having lived the last five years of marriage apart.

Einstein was one of the most brilliant minds in science, and his legacy includes explaining the photoelectric effect, the formulation of theory of general and restricted spatial relativity, in addition to great contributions to the Statistical Physics, through your explanation for the Brown movement.

Einstein and his first wife, Mileva Maric (Photo: Public Domain)
Einstein and his first wife, Mileva Maric (Photo: Public Domain)

See too: Postulates of the Theory of Relativity

Personal life

Einstein was born into a humble Jewish family. During his childhood, the family business was not going well, so his parents decided to move to Munich, where he got his educationformal. When I was a child, nowasthe best student in the class, either

Oworse, however, presented a clear predilection to the SubjectsExact Sciences, such as Math.

In 1900, graduated in MathandPhysics. The constant absences from classes, to study the subjects he considered most important, caused that the genius did not stand out among the best students in his class, despite having grades tall. After his graduation, he spent a few years Unemployed and, despite aiming for the position of assistant professor, he ended up being employed by the Official Patent Office in Bern, through the appointment of a friend.

The modest salary, lack of time and marital problems were not enough to prevent him from continuing with his studies. In 1902, started your doctorate for the UniversityinZurich and, in the final stages of this stage, in 1905 (known as "the miraculous year”), published fourrevolutionary studies for twentieth-century physics. His works made him famous around the world, securing him the position of teacher at UniversityinBern, in 1908.

Einstein died in 1955, to the 76years old, leaving three children — two from his first marriage and one from his second —, many questions for different areas of Physics, in addition to an important scientific legacy.

Also check: Einstein and Ceará

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Scientific production

To the 25 years, in 1905, Albert Einstein published articles responsible for a major paradigm shift in current knowledge. Are they:

  • From a heuristic point of view regarding the production and transformation of light”, which deals with the absorption of light by the photoelectric effect.

  • On the movement of small particles suspended within liquids at rest, as required by the kinetic molecular theory of heat”, whose aim is to explain that the random movement of small pollen grains suspended in a liquid originates from tiny molecular collisions.

  • On the electrodynamics of moving bodies”, work that laid the foundations for a totally new area of ​​Physics: restricted relativity.

  • Does the inertia of a body depend on its energy content?”, article in which he presents the principle of equivalence and the famous relationship between energy and rest mass: E = mc².

In addition to its direct productions, several areas of knowledge, such as Quantum Optics, were driven by the questions of Albert Einstein. Throughout his life, Einstein's dream was to build a theory capable of unify all fundamental forces in a single mathematical description. This desire is reflected in some of the more recent cosmological theories, such as the string theory.

legacy to humanity

Because of his scientific legacy, Einstein became one of mankind's most famous and influential scientists. THE general theory of relativity, for example, allowed us to create the GPS (Global Positioning System). As Earth's gravity affects the propagation of electromagnetic waves, a series of corrections are made in the satellite signals, so these satellites are able to locate us quickly and with large precision.

Still in the field of relativity theory, Einstein predicted the possibility of existence of gravitational waves, which were detected in 2017, during the collision of two black holes.

In the field of Quantum Mechanics, Einstein left several questions open, which, in the future, would give rise to a new area of ​​Physics, the OpticsQuantum. Einstein's studies related to the behavior of light yielded him the explanation of the photoelectric effect, used in photovoltaic cells, capable of producing solar energyas well as light laser.

Einstein was also able to establish a proportionality relationship between mass and energy through his world-renowned formula: E = mc². With this relationship, the physicist showed that the inertial mass (m) multiplied by the square of the speed of light (c²) is equivalent to an amount of energy AND. Einstein's conclusions about resting energy led to the creation of atomic bomband also the emergence of nuclear power plants.

In the photo, taken around 1950, Einstein talks with Oppenheimer, director of the program that would give rise to the atomic bomb.
In the photo, taken around 1950, Einstein talks with Oppenheimer, director of the program that would give rise to the atomic bomb.

Read too: Albert Einstein's relationship with the development of the atomic bomb

The German physicist also brought great contributions to the Thermodynamics and to the PhysicsStatistic through the development of a theory for calculating the heatspecific of solids and for the explanation of Brownian motion.

Nobel Prize in Physics

Einstein had a vast scientific legacy, however, it was his article on the It is madephotoelectric which led the scientific community to award him the Nobel Prize in Physics. In this article, Einstein explains the origin and functioning of this important quantum phenomenon.

According to Einstein's explanation, the photoelectric effect occurs because of the behaviorcorpuscular of light, composed of a large number of particles called photons.

The explanation of the photoelectric effect accelerated the emergence of cellsphotovoltaic, responsible for the generation of solar electricity, one of the cleanest forms of energy as it causes little impact on the environment.

After his first marriage, Einstein married his cousin, Elsa Einstein.
After his first marriage, Einstein married his cousin, Elsa Einstein.

Albert Einstein Phrases

Several phrases are erroneously credited to Albert Einstein. Know some of the phrases that were actually uttered by the physicist:

  • Imagination is more important than knowledge.”—a phrase said by Einstein during an interview in a newspaper, in 1929.

  • Try to be a person of value instead of trying to be a person of success. Success is a consequence.” — a phrase said by Einstein in an interview with LIFE magazine, in 1955.

  • It is easier to denature plutonium than to denature man's evil spirit.”—a phrase by Einstein (1946) present in the book Einstein on politics.

  • Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” — Einstein in a letter to Raphael Cohen, Professor of Philosophy at CCNY (City College of New York).

Phrases that were not said by Albert Einstein

  • Insanity is always doing the same thing and expecting different results.”—a 1981 phrase used in a Narcotics Anonymous pamphlet.

  • Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. But regarding the universe, I'm still not entirely sure.”—this phrase appears in a book written by Frederic Perls, indicating that Einstein had it uttered, however, the same phrase appears in several even older works, written by other people.

  • Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, you'll live your entire life believing it's stupid.”—this phrase was first published in 2004 in a self-help book.

  • In the midst of difficulty lies the opportunity”—a phrase credited to Einstein in a book published in 1979. The author of the work credited the phrase to Einstein, but there are no records that he actually uttered it.

¹Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons
By Me. Rafael Helerbrock

Albert Einstein: biography, scientific production and phrases

Albert Einstein: biography, scientific production and phrases

AlbertEinstein (1879-1955) was a physicist German, born in the city of Ulm in 1879. As a young ma...

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