Meaning of Issuing Body (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Issuing agency or issuing agency is each Brazilian public agency, which issues documents to citizens such as Identity Card (RG), Passport, CPF (Individual Taxpayer Registration), etc.

Each document is issued by a government agency authorized to issue such document.

Identity Card issuing agency

The identification document of each Brazilian citizen, the RG (General Registry), is usually issued by the Public Security Secretariat (SSP) of each State (UF).

To find the issuing agency in the identity, just check the letters that appear in the acronym with the State, as shown in the image below.

An Identity Card issued by the São Paulo SSP will be "SSP-SP", Minas Gerais "SSP-MG", etc.

issuing body in the identity

In the new model of identity, the issuing agency can be found in the same place, as indicated in the image below.

new brazilian identity card

Issuing body of the Work Card

The issuing body is the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE) of each state.

For example, if you issued your work permit in the state of Bahia, the issuing agency will be MTE-BA.

Issuing body of the National Driver's License (CNH)

A driver's license is usually obtained from the Department of Transit (DETRAN) of each state.

Passport issuing agency

The responsibility for issuing passports lies with the Federal Police Department (DPF). Visas can be obtained at the consulates or embassies of the countries.

Issuing body of the Birth, Marriage or Death Certificate

They are usually documents issued by the Civil Registry, which exists in large quantities in cities.

See too:

  • issuing agency;
  • state;
  • Issue date;
  • SSP.
  • nationality and place of birth
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