Rachel de Queiroz: biography, characteristics, works and phrases

Rachel de Queiroz was one of the most important Brazilian writers of the 20th century. Belonging to the 1930s modernist generation, she also worked as a journalist and went to firstwomen to join the gymBrazilianinLetters.


Was born in strength, Ceará, on November 17, 1910 and lived there until he was five years old. She moved with her family to the RiverinJanuary due to the terrible drought that devastated Ceará in 1915. In 1917 she moved to Bethlehem from Pará and, in 1919, he returned to the Ceará, where she took up residence.

started your careerjournalistic writing for the newspaper Ceara when she was just 17 years old. At 19, she began secretly writing the novel that would make her known as a writer: the fifteen. With the publication of the book, in 1930, the author became nationally known and won the awardgivesFoundationGraceSpider.

In 1937, she was arrested by the government of Getulio Vargas accused of being communist. The author remained imprisoned for two years. Decades later, Rachel de Queiroz, in 1964,

supported the Brazilian military dictatorship, integrating the Federal Council of Culture and the National Directory of Arena, political party supporting the regime.

In addition to the Graça Aranha Foundation award, the writer has also won several other awards, such as the Prize Tortoise of Children's Literature, in 1970, and the Prize Camões, the highest honor given to Portuguese-speaking writers, in 1993. Rachel de Queiroz died in 2003, in Rio de Janeiro, at the age of 92.

Know more: Also meet another representative of literature from the Brazilian Northeast.

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the fifteen (1930)

John Michael (1932)

Stone path (1937)

the three maries (1939)

Dora, Doralina (1975)

the golden rooster (1985)

Maria Moura Memorial (1992)

theater plays

Lamp (1953)

Blessed Mary of Egypt (1957)

theater (1995)


The maiden and the crooked moor (1948)

100 chosen chronicles (1958)

the perplexed Brazilian (1964)

the armadillo hunter (1967)

Little girls and other chronicles (1976)

The pool player and more stories (1980)

the rough lands (1993)

false sea, false world (2002)

Children's Literature

the magic boy (1967)

Cafute and Silver Pen (1986)

the fifteen

The book the fifteen, by Rachel de Queiroz, is the morefamous author's novel. In the narrative, the story of chicobenedict and his family, a group of migrants fleeing the great drought that hit Ceará in 1915. The name of the book is even justified, as the lack of water that year is the main conflict in the narrative. In search of better conditions, the charactersmigrateto the northeast coast and then to They arePaul.

Also access: Check out the historical context of the creation of this work.


Rachel de Queiroz was, in addition to being a great literary author, also an exceptional journalist. In fact, the author said to prefer the activity of newspaper à writingliterary. At the end of her life, asked why she continued to write literature, she replied: “Have you ever gotten pregnant? When you become pregnant, it is imperative to give birth.”

Possession of the writer Rachel de Queiroz at the Academia Brasileira de Letras.
Possession of the writer Rachel de Queiroz at the Academia Brasileira de Letras.


Rachel de Queiroz, especially after the popularization of the internet, has several of her phrases circulating on social networks. Here are some of these phrases:

  • “There is a lot of talk about the cruelty and brutality of medieval men. But will modern man be better?”
  • “What makes us write the first book? I do not know. (...) What I had read about literature on drought was not satisfactory for me and I wanted to give a kind of testimony. And, with this petulance of youth, I set about writing the novel.”


Rachel de Queiroz wrote from the age of 19 to 92, and her production was changing-if over time, so there are miscellaneousfaces of this writer, depending on the period observed.

At the beginning of his career, in the novels the fifteen (1930) and John Michael (1932), the author aligns with writers such as Graciliano Ramos, José Lins do Rego and Jorge Amado, in a writing facing the regionalism, denouncing the dry northeastern, the misery, a inequality and indifference of the powerful in the face of the people's penury.

In 1937 he wrote Stone way, romance notably with inclinationspoliticsinleft, written while the author was imprisoned during the Vargas dictatorship.

in the novel the three maries(1939), the author presents a more intimate, with a narrative focused on the psychological aspects of the characters, thematizing female adolescence.

In addition to novels, the author also wrote plays, books for children and young people and, mainly, dedicated a good part of her life writing chronicles for newspapers.

In 1992, Rachel de Queiroz published her last novel, Maria Moura Memorial, book that tells the saga of a cangaceira Northeast. Two years after publication, the work was adapted into a television series.

By M. Fernando Marinho

Rachel de Queiroz: biography, characteristics, works and phrases

Rachel de Queiroz: biography, characteristics, works and phrases

Rachel de Queiroz was one of the most important Brazilian writers of the 20th century. Belonging ...

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