Few are the ones who reread their texts and by failing to do so, they lose credibility with the readership and, often, points, in the case of the selection process.
This is because it is at the moment of rereading that the writer analyzes his text and evaluates it according to his criteria and cultural individuality.
To make the process of rereading your production more enjoyable, imagine the following situation: You are another person, a reader who one day was passing by a newsstand and bought a magazine or newspaper that contained his text.
From that moment on, you should think: Would you read my text if you saw it in a newspaper? Is my title and theme attracting attention? Are the paragraphs understandable? Was I clear and objective?
If you had done the rereading, you probably wouldn't have worried so much, because you would have an idea of how the whole text turned out!
When rereading your text, put yourself in the position of that reader above and add the fact that he doesn't know anything about the subject covered. Thus, all information must be clear, the language clear, the terms simple. All so that the interlocutor clearly understands what you meant.
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Besides, you will worry if the periods are too long, if commas and periods are missing and if the words were used correctly! It is better to use more common terms than trying to put in “hard words” with the intention of sounding erudite! It is also very common in essays, ideas exposed in the same way that they arise in the mind, that is, the arguments appear amended one another, without worrying about punctuation. Then, at most among the commas, those huge and confusing paragraphs appear!
Furthermore, it is in the condition of recipient that the sender perceives the use of orality in the text: slang, jargon, absolutist expressions (currently, nowadays, nowadays).
A tip is to make a draft, because while you do the rereading, make the necessary corrections as well!
If it doesn't bother you, whenever you write a paragraph go back to it and see if a reader would understand what you recorded in that passage!
Want to improve your writing and your grade? Position yourself as an interlocutor! When you put yourself in the role of a reader, you leave the condition of a writer and have more critical eyes about what you've written!
By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters
Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:
VILARINHO, Sabrina. "Rereading, you as someone else!"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/redacao/releitura-voce-como-outra-pessoa.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.