Meaning of Laic (What it is, Concept and Definition)

lay means what or who does not belong or is not subject to a religion or is not influenced by it.

The term "lay" has its etymological origin in Greek laikos which means “of the people”. It is related to secular (mundane) life and to profane attitudes that are not conjoined with religious life.

Originally the word lay was used to describe Christians who were devout but not part of the clergy. It was not until the second half of the 19th century that this word took on the meaning of an autonomous person, organization or activity, not linked to the sphere of religion.

Secular behavior is the opposite of ecclesiastical behavior, directed towards Church activities.

The quality of being lay presupposes the non-interference of the church in political and cultural matters.

When talking about laic State, there is the idea of ​​neutrality on religious issues. There must be freedom for citizens to express their religious faith, whatever it may be, without the control or imposition of a specific religion.

As the word lay is related to independence from religion, the antonym of lay it can be holy, religious, devotee or believer.

Learn more about the meaning of laic State.


Secularism is a doctrine that defends the absence of any obligation of a religious character in governmental institutions. It is a position aimed at secularism, that is, the non-intervention of religion in the State.

lay and lay

Laic is the erudite form of lay person, whose meaning in the religious milieu refers to the active member of the Church who does not exercise specific functions as a cleric. The two words have the same etymology, the Greek word laikós.

Currently, the word secular is seen as an attribute of a State that functions apart from religion.

On the other hand, the word layman is most often used in its figurative sense, which indicates a person who does not know or is not an expert in a particular subject or profession.

Learn more about the meaning of layman.

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