What is synthetic passive voice?

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The verb can be inflected, that is, change in relation to mode, tense, number and person. However, it can also be inflected about the voice.

The flexion of voice indicates the relationship that the subject maintains with the verbal action, therefore, if the subject performs the action, he is considered an agent, therefore, an active voice. If the subject undergoes verbal action, he is called patient, therefore, passive voice, which is formed from two processes: analytical and synthetic. Today, we will analyze the characteristics of the second process: synthetic passive voice.

First, it is important to understand that synthetic is the same as summarized, so if the passive voice is synthetic, it is composed only by the verb, pronoun "if" and patient subject. See the example:


Here are some important observations:

  1. Generally speaking, it is only possible to have synthetic or analytical passive voice if the verb is direct transitive or direct and indirect transitive;

  2. The pronoun "se", within the synthetic passive voice, is classified as passive pronoun;

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  4. The verb must agree with the patient subject, therefore, plural subject, plural verb; subject in the singular, verb in the singular.

Follow some examples:

The supermarket was invaded.

Houses for rent.

The pictures were handed over.

The shacks were destroyed.

Note that in all examples the verbs are direct transitives (V.T.D), that is, they need a complement, as they do not have a complete sense. However, it is important to emphasize that the complement is directly linked to the verb, that is, without a preposition.

With the direct and indirect transitive verb (V.T.D.I), that is, the verb that needs a complement with and without a preposition, it is also possible to have a passive voice.


The package was delivered to the recipient.


be careful not to confuse o if (passive pronoun) with the if (subject's indeterminacy index). Remember that when the if is a passive pronoun, there will be a subject and the verb will be direct transitive or direct and indirect transitive. To avoid confusion, analyze the verbal predication.

By Mayra Pavan
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/portugues/o-que-e-voz-passiva-sintetica.htm


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