Halloween symbols. The main symbols of Halloween

Halloween is a type of pagan celebration of the ancient Celtic peoples who lived in the territory comprising England, France and Germany. It was first called All Hallow's Even (the night before All Saints' Day) and later reduced to Halloween. The symbols present in this celebration are:

Witches: are the main symbols of this party. The stories tell that witches participated in parties held by the devil, which were usually held on April 30th and October 31st. This belief arrived in the United States through its colonizers and from there it spread throughout the world, taking many different forms.

Pumpkins and Candles: Pumpkins symbolize fertility and wisdom, while candles serve to light the way of the spirits. Legend has it that the practice of cutting the pumpkin and placing a lighted candle inside it emerged from the story. of Jack, a man who was very fond of drinking and who met the devil the day he drank in too much. Clever, he imprisoned the devil in several places until the day he died from so much drinking. His entrance into heaven was denied and into hell too, as he humiliated the devil in life. From then on, Jack's soul began to roam the world. The illuminated pumpkins were then used by Jack to escape the darkness and light his way.

Black Cat: is a symbol connected to witches, as they can transform into cats. Other superstitions about cats are that they are sources of bad luck and that they are also spirits of dead people.

Trick or treat: it's been a game since the ninth century. During this period, people made the “souls cakes” with simple dough and gooseberry icing to give to children who, properly dressed, would go from door to door to ask for the cakes. In exchange for each piece of cake, the child pledged to pray for the soul of a relative of the one who offered it.

Broom: it is a symbol of the feminine power to clean everything that brings negative consequences to life, such as electricity and negative thoughts.

Bat: symbolizes the vision that goes beyond appearances and can see inside people.

Apple: fruit associated with the gods of love, it is used at the festival as a symbol of life.
The colors most used in the halloween party also have meanings that make a difference on the saints' night:

Orange: color that brings vitality, energy and strength. They believe that the spirits approached those who were in orange to suck their energy.

Black: predominant color of wizards, witches, witches and priests of the master of darkness.

Purple: symbolizes the magic present throughout the halloween celebration.

By Gabriela Cabral

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/halloween/simbolos-halloween.htm

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