Properties of electrical potential. Electric potential

Regarding the electric potential we can say that it expresses the effect of an electric field in terms of the position within that field. Therefore, we can define the electrical potential as follows:

► Electric potential of a point in an electric field is the electric potential energy per unit of electric charge placed at that point.

The mathematical equation that defines electrical potential is:


  • ANDP is the electrical potential energy associated with the electrical charge, measured in SI, in joule (J)
  • what is the electrical test charge, measured in the SI, in coulomb (C)
  • V is the electrical potential, measured, in SI, in joule per coulomb (J/C)

Potential properties

Let's consider the figure above, where we have a straight line of force of an electric field generated by electric charges at rest. How a positive electrical charge generates positive potentials and a negative charge generates potentials negative, the electric potential decreases from the positive to the negative charge, that is, in the direction of the line force.

a load of proof what, abandoned from rest, moves on this line of force. Regardless of the sign of the load what, the work performed by electrical power is motor work, because the movement is spontaneous, that is, the electric force favors the displacement.

We have two cases to consider:

  • positive electric charges, abandoned in an electric field and subjected only to electric force, spontaneously move to points of lower electric potential.
  • negative electric charges, abandoned in an electric field and subject only to electric force, spontaneously move to points of greater electric potential.

By Domitiano Marques
Graduated in Physics

Source: Brazil School -

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