Good Posture and Learning

Maintaining good posture during the long period of classes is difficult. Little by little the body slips on the desk, the legs get tired and the back and neck ache.

Because you have to keep your head down for a long period, the muscles in your neck tighten causing a feeling of discomfort that bothers the student and, consequently, harms his apprenticeship.

However, some young people sit down anyway, getting used to their bad posture without realizing it. Shoulders slumped to one side, head bowed forward, and the famous hump are examples of this.

Poor posture can cause serious back problems and chronic diseases, such as lordosis, scoliosis, parrot beaks, among others.

It is important for the student to take care of his posture, as intellectual learning takes place with all the involvement of the body, it is necessary that it is properly disposed. In this way, the student's concentration level increases, which facilitates greater understanding of the contents covered by the teacher.

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One of the causes of bad posture during classes is a bad night's sleep.

Rest is totally linked to learning, because the student who doesn't sleep well, who doesn't get enough rest, stay more likely to get sleepy during classes, lose concentration and get distracted by things unrelated to the subject of classes.

The practice of physical activities brings benefits to the body, it can create new postural habits, helping to strengthen the lumbar and cervical muscles that support the spine and neck.

Therefore, pay attention to this information, as by acting appropriately, learning will be more favorable and, consequently, the student will benefit from being more easily learn.

By Jussara de Barros
Graduated in Pedagogy

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BARROS, Jussara de. "Good Posture and Learning"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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