Plot Construction

Plot is the sequence of events in the story, the network of situations that the characters live, the plot of the actions they take or that they suffer.
We can identify four parts that make up the plot:

1- Presentation: it is the part of the text in which some characters are introduced and some circumstances of the story are exposed, such as the time and place in which the action will take place.
A scenario and a time stamp are created for the characters to start their actions.
Not every narrative text has this first part; there are cases in which the action in progress is already shown.

2 – Complication: it is the part of the plot where actions and conflicts are developed, bringing the plot to a climax.

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3 – Climax: it is the point at which the action reaches its critical moment, moment of greatest tension, making the outcome inevitable.

4 – Outcome: it is the solution of the conflict produced by the characters' actions.

If there is no conflict, the narrative is reduced to an account, a sequence of facts that will not arouse the interest of readers.

By Marina Cabral
Specialist in Portuguese Language and Literature
Brazil School Team

Essay - Brazil School

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SILVA, Marina Cabral da. "The Construction of the Plot"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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