Cabbage. Nutritional value of cabbage

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Cabbage is a vegetable of the cruciferous family, originally from Europe. Its leaves are large, with smooth or lacy edges. It is a plant with a thick stem that reaches about 1.20 m in height. It can be consumed raw or cooked, in the preparation of soups, juices and farofa. There are more than one hundred varieties of cabbage, among them: Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, turnip and cabbage.

Kale contains vitamins A, B, C and minerals such as sulfur and fiber. During purchase, it is interesting to observe the appearance of the fresh product, such as whether they are not wilted, whether there are no dark or yellow spots and whether the stalks are firm. The storage time for cabbage is short: in an open plastic bag, in a cool place, it can be preserved for up to one day.

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Cabbage stalks are used as a medicine. Kale fights asthma and bronchitis, as sulfur acts as an expectorant. Fibers protect the gastric mucosa, decreasing stomach acidity.

By Patricia Lopes

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LOPES, Patricia. "Cabbage "; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

Cabbage. Nutritional value of cabbage

Cabbage is a vegetable of the cruciferous family, originally from Europe. Its leaves are large, w...

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