Meaning of Azienda (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Azienda is a word of Italian origin that means company. The term is used when studying the history of Accounting and in defining its main object, which is the company's equity.

In Accounting, equity is defined as the set of assets, rights and obligations that constitute companies (aziendas).

Aziendas are administrative economic entities. According to the purpose of each, they can be classified in three ways:

- Farms with economic purposes: are those with the purpose of making a profit, where all industrial, commercial, agricultural or service companies are included.

- Aziendas with socio-economic purposes: are those that benefit their members with the results obtained, for example, pension societies and other benefit institutes.

- Aziendas with social purposes: are those that are not for profit, for example, charitable associations.

It can also be said that azienda is the company as a whole, encompassing the assets and a person responsible for managing this assets.

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