The search for the right words - "a vain fight?"

The subtitle that makes up this article, intentionally demarcated, obviously, takes us back to the sayings of the immortal Carlos Drummond de Andrade, whom we “literally” lack words to refer to. Thus, in one of his magnificent creations, entitled “O fighter”, he left us registered something in this sense:

“Fight with words
it is the vainest fight.
so we fight
the morning barely breaks.
There are many, I few.
some so strong
like the wild boar.
I don't think I'm crazy.
If it were, it would have
power to enchant them.
But lucid and cold,
I show up and try
catch some
for my livelihood
in a day of life.”

While he claims that this fight is a vain clash, he reaffirms, categorically, that he does not we must leave the battlefield, even if we encounter some "boars" in front of us, metaphorically saying. Going further, this great master makes us believe that, although we are few, and they are diverse, we cannot surrender, we must continue “fighting”. Let us never deny the condition in which the author placed himself when he mentioned that, "in one day of his life", he appears to "catch some", as that, feeling satiety of hunger, he survives, so to speak, feeding on his own words to build his speech poetic.

Thus, dear user, there is nothing extraordinary and unusual in feeling like poets and poetesses to also build our daily speeches, although this task is really a fight. However, as eminently social beings, we participate in common life through linguistic interactions that we establish daily, always taking into account that for each communicative purpose there is a position specific.

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In this sense, understanding about this position is, above all, becoming aware of what limitations they exist and should be understood not as an obstacle, but as something to be apprehended and put into practice, ever. These limitations, in the sense that, for each utterance, we must act in a specific way, that is, depending on what we want to say, to whom we want to express ourselves and why we do it, there are different positions, which can be compared to each outfit we choose, one for each situation, that is, from that suit, very formal, by the way, even the little toe slipper, accompanied by shorts and T-shirt, in the simple style of to be. We wouldn't use the same speech in a corporate newsroom, in a job interview, if we were together at a bar table, for example. We would not talk to a child the way we would talk to our superiors, especially those we are not intimate with.

To make the correct choice of words is to detect the way in which the enunciator x relationship takes place enunciation, as in an advertising speech, in a campaign, in an internet chat or even in a scientific article. That is, the purpose for which the issuer is disposed through the discourse that he constructs is a fundamental requirement for making good use of lexical choices. Of course, according to such assumptions, the ideological baggage, the cultural baggage and the baggage related to the worldview itself are, without a doubt, relevant, decisive.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

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