Meaning of Introduction (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Introduction means the beginning or the beginning. It's the act or effect of introducing. It is a short text that precedes a written work, and which serves to introduce it to the reader, is the preface to the work.

When referring to schoolwork, the introduction has the function of briefly presenting to the reader the theme that will be developed and how it will be presented throughout the work.

For all school works that require the composition of texts to present ideas (writing, articles, monographs or theses), it is mandatory that there is a introductory part, a part of development is conclusion. The level of depth of the theme depends on the type of work that will be written.

In a simple dissertation, the introduction should announce to the reader what topic will be discussed throughout the text. It's a synthesized presentation of the approached theme and a contextualization with reality. In academic works, following a scientific methodology, the introduction should also characterize the topic addressed, mention the objectives and results of the research, indicate the relevance of the work, etc.

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In the context of pedagogy, the term “introduction” designates the action of introducing a new theme or idea. For example, a book that has the objective of presenting the bases of a certain theme for further deepening of it, normally has the title: “Introduction to... Economics, Psychology, Philosophy, Informatics, etc.”

know more about dissertation and see introductory examples.
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