Alkaloids. Main properties of alkaloids

Alkaloids are a group of compounds belonging to the group of cyclic amines, which have heterocyclic rings containing nitrogen.

The name "alkaloids" means "similar to alkalis" and this name was given to these compounds because alkalimeans "base" and amines have this basic or alkaline character.

Alkaloids can be synthesized in the laboratory, but their origin is vegetable. Today, it is known that the bitter taste of the leaves and flowers of some plants is due to the presence of these amines. They were even called formerly vegetable alkalis. In plants, alkaloids have a defense function against predatory insects and animals.

Alkaloids have complex structures that allow their use in medicines. They normally act as stimulants of the central nervous system, however, they can cause physical and psychological dependence, being allowed their use only with the presentation of a medical prescription.

See below the main examples of alkaloids, their plant origins and their chemical formulas:

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FOGAÇA, Jennifer Rocha Vargas. "Alkaloids"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.


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