Meaning of Reservoir (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Deposit is the name given to the place where someone rests or is lying.

Normally, deposits are the places where people are buried, that is, where their bodies are buried and stored.

Some common synonyms for the word “reservoir” are: mita, cata, date, vein and vein.

Deposit can also be used in a figurative sense, expressing the idea of ​​“absence of movement”, “tranquility” or “serenity”.

Assuming that a deposit is the place or space where something (or someone) is stored or deposited, there are two concepts widely explored with this term in geology: mineral deposit and fossil deposit.

Mineral deposit

Mineral deposits are places where precious or useful minerals for human beings, such as gold, bronze, iron, etc., are located.

Mineral deposits can be either on the Earth's surface or underground.

fossil deposit

Fossil deposits, like minerals, have an extreme economic value.

These deposits contain fossilized substances, such as oil, natural gas, natural coal and other products of an organic nature.

See also the meaning of prospection.

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