Persuasive texts. Recurrence of persuasive texts

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Just in the act of clicking here, in this subsection, we feel that our goal was, if not completely, at least a little achieved: that of persuade you to share moments of experience, moments of cultural enrichment, moments of skills improvement, anyway... moments of persuasion, you see?

Dear user, this introductory paragraph was just so that you could get better acquainted with what is special about us for someone even more special to us, therefore, we are busy opening that space that is here at your disposal to find your place. through a communicative situation that, in terms of language, is not so noticeable, but which shows itself at every moment even more recurrent. Well, it's simple, you just have to take a walk through the streets of your city, just cross a corner and come across with someone delivering that pamphlet, that advertising campaign that caught his attention so much, he remembers her?

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

Well, precisely in this space, you will be able to establish a little more familiarity with the called persuasive texts that, as textual genres, have a communicative purpose specific:

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that of convincing, of inducing the interlocutor to adopt a certain type of behavior - which is seen in the pamphlet, in educational campaigns, in advertisements, advertisements, in short...

Because we have achieved the long-awaited persuasion, click and browse at will, taking advantage of the new features that are reserved for you.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

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