Oxyfuel. Oxyfuel: method of cutting metal objects

Oxyfuel is a widely used technique for cutting metal objects. This method consists of breaking the material through thermal erosion, in which the metallic object, after being heated, is subjected to a jet of oxygen, causing its oxidation. Various combustible gases can be used in mixture with oxygen: acetylene, hydrogen, butane, propane, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), acetylene, etc.

Combustible gases have the function of producing flames for the torches, which are responsible for heating metals. The torch used in oxyfuel mixes the combustible gas with oxygen and is regulated to provide the proper proportion of flame. Gases are stored in cylinders and must be used quickly.

This method is used in the precise cutting of metallic materials, being very common in the sector. industrial, as it increases productivity, decreases the time spent on production and cuts standardized. For the oxyfuel process to occur, the following equipment must be available:

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- Oxygen cilinder.
- Pressure regulator for oxygen.
- Cylinder for combustible gas.
- Pressure regulator for fuel gas.
- Two high pressure hoses for conducting gases.
- Flame arrester valves.
- Cutting torch.
- Security devices.

Oxyfuel can be carried out automatically or manually. This procedure requires knowledge of the operator, who must undergo training. Another very important aspect is with regard to care to avoid possible accidents, as the materials are highly flammable. It is also necessary to use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): goggles, hearing protection, gloves, aprons, leggings, etc.

Fuelsgeography - Brazil School

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FRANCISCO, Wagner de Cerqueira e. "Oxyfuel"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/oxicorte.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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